June 14, 2007

One of the most delightful gifts a mother can receive has to be flowers.
Especially potted ones. The tiny roses here are snipped from a miniature plant which was a present from my daughters many years ago. Summer after summer the little bush faithfully bears delicate blooms in varying shades of apricot to peach and continues to do so until late into fall. Providing so much beauty and pleasure, they are a constant reminder of a daughter's abounding love.

(Girls - this is in no way intended as a solicitation for more flowers! It's simply appreciation for the many you have already given. Love you all, mum :D )

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha.... I never noticed your little message before today! It may not be a solicitation, but it sure sounds like a BIG hint! ;)
    PS...What other colors do you like???
